Episode-19: Whimsy

Today on ​“Whim­sy” — Episode 19 of Prairie Design Lab — design to make you smile. Much design, no mat­ter how beau­ti­ful and use­ful, can be sort of seri­ous. We intro­duce you to two Win­nipeg design­ers who put delight, plea­sure, and whim­sy at the cen­tre of what they cre­ate, and peo­ple across North Amer­i­ca are smil­ing as they dis­cov­er it.

Episode-12: Cold

https://umfm-broadcasts.s3.amazonaws.com/012-Prairie_Design_Lab-EP_012-Cold-2021-01-06.mp3 Cold enough for you? The clas­sic Cana­di­an win­ter ques­tion. We explore the cre­ative impe­tus that cold weath­er pro­vides to two Cana­di­an inter­na­tion­al design fes­ti­vals. We cel­e­brate the suc­cess of Win­nipeg’s Warm­ing Huts and Toron­to’s Win­ter Stations. NUZZLES by RAW Design (photo: WarmingHuts)