Episode-19: Whimsy

Today on ​“Whim­sy” — Episode 19 of Prairie Design Lab — design to make you smile. Much design, no mat­ter how beau­ti­ful and use­ful, can be sort of seri­ous. We intro­duce you to two Win­nipeg design­ers who put delight, plea­sure, and whim­sy at the cen­tre of what they cre­ate, and peo­ple across North Amer­i­ca are smil­ing as they dis­cov­er it.

Episode-16: Supportive

Peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties often face chal­lenges in access­ing resources and fund­ing to pay for their hous­ing and care. We explore what it takes to cre­ate hous­ing to sup­port them in their needs with Amie Gross (NYC), and Emi­ly Bar­ber (U of M Inte­ri­or Design Mas­ters stu­dent) spe­cial­iz­ing in Sup­port­ive Housing.

Episode-13: HOF

https://umfm-broadcasts.s3.amazonaws.com/013-Prairie_Design_Lab-EP_013-HOF-2021-01-13.mp3 You start out at a good archi­tec­ture school in your home­town, but — you get rest­less. You want to exper­i­ment with learn­ing & work­ing in a dif­fer­ent set­ting at a new school & work­place — far from home. Today on Prairie Design Lab, we talk with three peo­ple who left for Hong Kong, Oslo & Frank­furt to do just that. HONGKONG OSLO FRANKFURT

Episode-11: Interiors

With two world-class interior designers, we explore the fractious debate between interior design & interior decorating. We find out about the difference between LEED ratings for sustainability, building materials, energy efficiency, and the environment. We also discuss the new standard called WELL, which focuses on human sustainability.  Guests: Lois Wellwood and Cindy Rodych

Episode-8: Remote

Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba Archi­tec­ture grads work all over the world in com­mu­ni­ties large and small. In episode 8, titled “Remote,” we intro­duce you to 3 grad­u­ates who have cre­at­ed robust oppor­tu­ni­ties far afield in small remote firms. Guests: Michael Cox, Deirdre Harris and Tony Zedda photo by Couvrette photo by DNC photo by Vince Fedoroff