Episode-32: Cornelia

Today the sto­ry of Cor­nelia Hahn Ober­lan­der of Van­cou­ver — one of the great­est land­scape archi­tects of the mod­ern era. We hear the sto­ry of her escape from Nazi Ger­many, her ear­ly land­scape works in Philadel­phia pub­lic hous­ing, her stun­ning park at Expo 67, her inno­va­tion at Canada’s Nation­al Gallery and the North­west Ter­ri­to­ries Leg­is­la­ture, and her pio­neer­ing green roofs at Van­cou­ver’s Rob­son Square and Pub­lic Library.
Amery Calvelli
Hilary Letwin